Big News and Big Changes

We have some BIG news to share with you!

We are thrilled to announce that Ryan Jenkins, who has worked at Lincoln Tax for the past 6 years, has passed all three sections of the Enrolled Agents (EA) exam. Passing this incredibly rigorous series of exams is the capstone in the process of becoming an Enrolled Agent, which is the highest credential the IRS awards. Being an EA means Ryan now has unlimited practice rights before the IRS and in all 50 states. We are very proud of Ryan and look forward to his expanding role in the practice.

In other HUGE news, Patrice has decided, after founding this great practice over 45 years ago, to retire from her day-to-day duties at the office. Patrice is excited to have time to pursue her passions, including traveling around the world with her beloved husband of more than 48 years, Peter, and spending more time golfing, gardening, playing with the grandkids and doing Zoomba. Patrice will be available to Ryan and me as a consultant, but will no longer be meeting with any clients. Her last day working in the office will be October 30, 2019. I would like to personally say it has been amazing to work with my intelligent, funny, clever, caring and savvy mother for the last 15 years. Now I look forward to playing more golf with her!

Patrice's decision to retire does mean that we will have to make some changes to the 2020 calendar. We will be contacting you in the next few weeks with your appointment date and time. Clients who come into the office for appointments will now meet with either me or Ryan.

Please bear with us as we make sure we do this in a thoughtful manner to provide you with the best possible client experience. Great consideration is being taken on our part to ensure that all clients will still be taken care of with the greatest respect for your time and your commitment to the services we provide for you.

Stay tuned for future correspondence from us as we move forward into our exciting new future!

Matthew Lincoln, EA