Trying to figure out where your refund is? Unfortunately once we file a return for you your refund status is out of our hands. Under normal circumstances the IRS typically will direct deposit refunds in about 14 days. Expect 6 to 8 weeks if you’re receiving a paper check.
If that time has come and gone and you still haven’t received your refund we’ll advise you to start with the IRS Where’s My Refund tool. You’ll need to know your Social Security Number, your filing status of the return, and what the refund amount is that you’re expecting. They’ll let you know where in the process your return is and once the refund has been released they’ll give you a date when it should tentatively reach you.
If you’ve amended a return and want to search for your refund status the IRS has a tool for that too.
States will have their own version of this too on their website.
IRS Where’s My Amended Return page
Maryland’s Where’s My Refund page