- What are the filing deadlines now?
The filing deadline for tax year 2019 is now July 15th for Federal and most state taxes. Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 estimated tax payments deadlines have also shifted to July 15th. Exceptions to the new deadline are Hawaii, Idaho, Mississippi, and Virginia. See this post for more details.
- When will I get my stimulus payment?
IRS started depositing stimulus checks via direct depost on April 15, 2020 but will continue the process for weeks to come. It is highly recommended that you go to IRS.gov and click on the “Get My Payment” button for more details. Reports are coming in that some checks have been erroneous deposited into wrong accounts. If this happens to you, contact your bank and let them know immediately. If payments are sent to a wrong account, or dead account, the payments will revert back to the IRS and a paper check will be issued whenever they are released. Here’s another link with further stimulus information: https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/economic-impact-payment-information-center
- I own a business, am I eligible for loans from the government?
Maybe. This is a question that varies a lot depending on your individual case. Email us at office@lincolntax.com directly if you need us to help evaluate your situation.
- When will Lincoln Tax Professionals finish my taxes?
We are continuing to complete returns every week, mostly on a first in-first out basis. We are trying to keep clients updated as their return makes its way through our processes. If you want an update on your return, please email us at office@lincolntax.com, but please be patient, we are working to provide tax preparation and advice under the most bizarre condtitions we’ve ever worked under.
- I need to make an appointment for next year’s taxes. How do I do that?
Email us at office@lincolntax.com and we’ll get you on our calendars for next year.
- I have an appointment in May, or later in the summer, what do I do?
We recommend the following process to make sure you get the same amazing tax prepartion you’re used to:
- Gather all of your information into a well organized batch including filling out any worksheet that we normally ask you to complete.
- Scan all of those documents into one big PDF file if possible, or into one zip folder, and upload them to our portal. OR
- Make good clear copies of your documents and then send us the copies via the mail. You hold onto the originals. Do not send receipts unless they are for Goodwill/Salvation Army donations to charity.
- Two weeks prior to your appointment we will notify you if we need to cancel due to Coronavirus restrictions still mandating that we keep the office closed. If that happens, our office will reach out to you directly to schedule a time for a phone call or video conference once they are ready.
- If we believe we will be open and able to keep your appointment, we will notify you of that two weeks in advance and confirm that you will be attending the appointment.